Monday, March 14, 2011

I can't wait for summer....

The days are getting a little warmer, but I can't wait until I can go out at any time without a coat on.  The few days that are warm enough like that, are just a tease.  Maybe I should have been born somewhere else.

I've been trying to update my warmer weather wardrobe for work.  This weekend I was out and about, and decided to look for some summery shoes.  Try finding something nice in a closed toe!  I love the look of the wedges that are ever so popular, but every single flippin' one of them had at least a peep toe.  I can't wear those to work.  So if anyone has any ideas, let me know.  Otherwise, I'll be on the hunt for a while.

In other areas of my life, I've been working on my yoga more, and some of my bellydance.  There is a workshop coming up this Saturday that I'm planning to go to.  It's all about makeup and hair for the tribal bellydancer.  I won't complain about learning a few tricks.

Meanwhile, I'm trying to do yoga almost every day, though so far, I haven't been able to create the consistency. Part of that is I'm pretty lazy when my husband is home, and the other part is that I get sucked in to WoW and don't get off the computer until it's past bed time, sometimes.  I'm trying to lose weight, like about 90% of the women out there, and it's coming off very slowly.  It's nice to see that scale change every week or two weeks, in a downward way.  So far, yoga is the only thing that actually makes me lose weight, rather than sitting on the plateau of doom.

And now, I'm headed off to actually go do some yoga before bed.  Let me try this consistency thing this week.

1 comment:

Kalee and Kevin said...

What?! You bellydance?? I want to come along!!